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GCSE Equivalency

Higher education establishments such as Universities and employment require GCSE or GCSE equivalent qualification in maths and English. GCSE equivalents have become more popular over the years.

There are a few different types of GCSE equivalent qualifications. The two main qualifications are:

  1. Maths and English functional skills: This qualification is a GCSE equivalent at level 2. There are 5 levels for functional skills. The levels are: entry level 1, entry level 2, entry level 3, level 1 and the last one is level 2. Level 2 is the GCSE equivalent qualification. You can take a functional skills course if you are 19 years and under or you meet the qualifying criteria. This course can be taken at college which is funded by the UK government. However, if you don’t meet the criteria, such as being an adult, you won’t get funding from the government, therefore you can sign up for a functional skills course and learn independently. When you are ready to take your exam, you can book to take it.

  2. GCSE Equivalency Tests: This qualification is for people that are looking at teacher training courses and need the qualification to access it. The GCSE equivalency test offers exams in maths, English and science. There are different providers that offer this qualification, MME being the best for your money and getting your results back quickly. This test can be taken at any point throughout the year.

NVQ and BTEC are other GCSE equivalent qualifications but these aren’t as popular as functional skills. GCSE exams are the gold standard for employers and Universities, however there are only two options per year to sit these exams so they aren’t flexible. Due to this, other GCSE equivalents are a better choice for most people since they are more flexible and convenient.

At Skipton Tutors we provide one to one sessions to help you prepare for your exam. We work with MME who offer an excellent service to help book your GCSE equivalent exam at your local testing centre or you can book an online functional skills exam where you can sit in your own home, they are there to help you.


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