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Functional Skills Level 2

Functional Skills Level 2 is an alternative qualification to a GCSE Grade C or Level 4, which is widely accepted by Universities and employers in the UK. It is an Ofqual approved qualification, which is the highest form of regulation in the country. This qualification is especially useful for those who have not obtained their GCSEs in school and may now require it for career progression or higher education. Functional Skills Level 2 is also beneficial for those whose Maths and English qualifications were acquired overseas and have not been recognised by the UK education system.

Maths and English Functional Skills Level 2 qualifications can help develop practical skills to help you in your daily life, study and work. With its less contextualized specification, in comparison to GCSEs, some people consider this equivalent qualification easier as they reflect more real life situations. Where GCSE exams tend to be more abstract, functional skills are more relatable and easy to learn. It also offers a lot more flexibility, allowing learners from all backgrounds to obtain their qualifications at any time of the year. As GCSE examinations are only held twice a year (in May and November), they can easily hold people back from achieving their career or educational goals. On the bright side, Functional Skills Level 2 provides everyone the opportunity to enhance their employability and gain access into higher education courses all year round.

Some courses are government funded, making it free for those who are eligible. To qualify, the eligibility criteria include those who must be in full time education and aged 19 or under. There are less adult funded routes, such as apprenticeship programmes, and most people will need to fund their qualifications themselves. For the cheapest online Functional Skills Level 2 courses and exams, we recommend Pass Functional Skills.


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