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Numerical Reasoning Tests and Tuition

At Skipton Tutors offers expert one to one tuition in English, Science and Maths related subjects from KS2 up to A Level and we also offer specialist tuition for the 11 plus exams. As part of the specialist maths tuition we offer we have tutors who are able to offer numeracy skills tuition as well as numerical reasoning tuition for nursing, the army and other specific job roles. The numerical reasoning tests that are set for graduate schemes and specific job roles all tend to be quite challenging and cover in depth data analysis, percentages, ratio, fractions, graphs and data representation which as topics are fine but when put into the context of a timed exam it becomes very challenging as all calculations have to be performed quickly and it is often the comprehension part of the question that is most difficult, actually working out what you need to calculate, not the calculation itself.

Our numerical reasoning tutors are experts in these tests and will be able to provide the knowledge and advise to help you pass the online numerical reasoning tests as well as any paper tests you may have to sit on the day of your assessment. Therefore if you are requiring support with your numerical reasoning test then please get in touch with Skipton Tutors today.

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