11 Plus Tuition in Skipton
At Skipton Tutors we get many parents calling up to enquire about 11 plus tuition for Ermysted's Grammar and Skipton Girls High School. We frequently get asked a number of questions which we thought would share via our blog.
When should we start the 11 plus tuition?
Most pupils have between 9 and 12 months tuition. We have found that beyond 12 months tuition there is little correlation between more tuition and success in the exam.
How early should I book 11 plus tuition?
As early as possible to ensure you get a place.
Do your 11+ tutors travel?
Yes but there are limited spaces and often those that travel are booked up first leaving only spaces with those that don't.
How often should we have lessons?
We recommend a 1 hour lesson a week.
For more 11+ specific info, visit our dedicated 11 plus page.